I had the privilege to be on the first archery Moose hunt of 2021 and had an amazing experience with AWGS.

For someone who camps 50+ nights a year on average, I was extremely impressed with camp and even took some ideas home.  Moose camp was organized, comfortable, and very efficient. Breakfast and Lunch are quick and easy. Dinner is a little more set down and homestyle, prepped by the guides while everyone catches up on the daily hunt.

The 2021 first rut hunt started slow but Dean and the guides never gave up. Three out of the five hunters tagged out in the last two evenings of the season. I being the last one to tag out on the last evening at last light on a stand called Money, and it lived up to its name.  Dean was my guide and he got on the call HARD, and made something happen! We had a bull that was grunting but wasn’t committed until Dean’s sweet cow moans intrigued a more interested bull further away. Once the closer bull heard the other bull coming he came in on a string straight to the stand like a freight train, giving me a 6 yard downward shot in the lung, through the heart, and out the brisket. My bull was choking on blood in seconds, and died in the trail 30 yards away. Talk about an adrenaline rush!!

Guys, if you’re on the fence about booking this hunt do it…cross the fence and get out the checkbook, it’s worth it!

Also don’t give up I can guarantee you Dean and his team won’t!

Preston Campbell – CO

[email protected]